VishnuAmbika Developer

                                    VishnuAmbika Developer

This id Developer Page and This is first post of  my blog .I am unity 2d and Android Studio Game Developer my first game launch in Google play Store i am very happy today and i share this Experience Today this game creating in unity 2d so difficulties facing in my project as follows

1.Android Build Problem

My project not build for and Android this problem so in 1 hour my sdk setup problem i am set latest  version of Android Platform.

This is my Unity Settings.

2.Not Run in Mobile Android 13 or above

  my android phone version is android 13 this game not run in this phone i am change player settings as follows

then problem solved.

3.Export Project in Android Studio

after successfully run game in my phone next step to play store Signed apk generation in unity but not work then i am using this option

 using this option my project access in Android Studio easily.

4.Generating Signed aab file

Android studio Generating Signed aab Working for me easily

5.Keystore Export to play store option

I am trying to upload play store but invalid certificate error shown then i use this method

this option in play store and it works.

6.publish in play Store 

all error solving and then publish but invalid data policy problem .this problem i solve to declare data policy then this problem solved.

This blog is not in Details but Next Blog i Can Trying to write in detail.
